Personal banking

Why restrict yourself to just one lane?

Enjoy everyday banking solutions with a specialist touch.

At BOQ Specialist we’ve been helping doctors, dentists, vets and accounting professionals with their banking needs for over 30 years. Not only do we understand your practice finance requirements, but your personal financial goals as well.

That’s why we offer a range of personal banking products, all with features and benefits to make day-to-day banking as easy as possible for you.

So, dive in today and enjoy the freedom of complete access to our suite of everyday banking products.

Enquire now


Our suite of personal banking products include:

  • Important Information

      The issuer and credit provider of these products and services is BOQ Specialist. Terms and conditions, fees and charges and lending and eligibility criteria apply. You should obtain and consider the product terms and conditions before making any decision about whether to acquire the products. We reserve the right to cease offering these products at any time without notice.

      For target market determinations please click here.